If this file and the help file (reached via the Help menu in The 1997 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia) fail to resolve any problems you are having, you can contact our technical support team at:
(800) 356-5590 - voice
(203) 797-6872 - BBS (see below for more information)
(203) 797-3835 - FAX
The following sections are contained in this document:
System Requirements
Installation Instructions
The Grolier BBS
Grolier on the Internet
System Requirements
Computer: Macintosh® LC III or higher, 68030 CPU, 25 MHz or faster
Operating System: Macintosh Operating System 7.1 or higher
Memory: 5 MB of available RAM (in addition to RAM used by system)
Hard Disk: 10 MB of free hard disk space
Video: 13-in. or larger color monitor & computer capable of displaying 256 colors (min.)
CD-ROM Drive: 300 KB/sec or higher transfer rate
Supporting Software: QuickTime™ 2.1 (supplied with product)
Printing: Macintosh-compatible printer
Optional Online Requirements
- Modem (required for online features only)
- Access to the World Wide Web using an Internet Service Provider (required for Grolier Internet Index and Grolier Updates only).
- CompuServe Information Manager (supplied with product, required for CompuServe forum links only)
To use The 1997 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia™ with the Internet and/or CompuServe, you also need additional memory and hard disk-space. Please refer to individual products for specific additional requirements.
Installation Instructions
1. Insert The 1997 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia disc (label side up) in the CD-ROM drive. Double-click the GME97 icon that appears on the desktop.
2. Double-click the INSTALL.GME97 icon.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
To install QuickTime 2.1:
1. Double-click the INSTALL.QuickTime™ icon in the GME97 window.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
If you experience problems installing the QuickTime™ extension you may have to check the version of QuickTime™ that you are using. Follow the steps below to check the version number of QuickTime™ that is active in the Extensions folder.
1. Open the hard drive.
2. Open the System Folder on your hard drive.
3. Open the Extensions Folder.
4. Look in the Extensions Folder for QuickTime™.
5. Click just once on the QuickTime™ icon to highlight it, then go to File/Get Info. The version number will be shown near the bottom of the Info window.
In the event that the aforementioned install programs fail to complete the installation, please refer to the Manual Install file for instructions on how to manually install GME97 and QuickTime 2.1.
We do not anticipate that you will have any problems using this CD-ROM. However, you should check the following if any errors do occur:
1. Verify that the correct CD-ROM is in the CD-ROM drive. You cannot use The 1997 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia unless the CD-ROM is in the CD-ROM drive.
2. Verify that your equipment meets or exceeds the system requirements stated above.
3. Ensure that you are not running any other applications in the background.
4. Verify that you are giving at least 4,802 KB of RAM to the application.
Check this by clicking just once on the GME97 application icon, then select Get Info from the File menu. In the lower-right corner of the Get Info window, you will see a section labeled Memory Requirements. The value for the minimum amount of RAM should be no lower than 4,802 KB for proper operation of the application.
5. Disable all extensions except for your CD-ROM drivers, QuickTime™, QuickTime™ Musical Instruments, ObjectSupportLib, Sound Manager, and Sound. Restart your Macintosh and try running the program. If it runs fine with just these extensions enabled, then you were having an extension conflict. Use a process of elimination to determine which of your extensions are conflicting with The 1997 Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia.
6. Try removing the currently installed GME97 folder from your hard drive (click and drag the folder to the trash icon, select Empty Trash... from the Special menu). Then, re-install the product.
Commonly Seen Error Messages
"The Application Unknown has unexpectedly quit because of an error of type 1"
In many cases, the number listed in this error message may also read 2, 3, or 11, but the causes are generally the same. Errors of this nature are normally caused by extension conflicts or a conflict in memory.
"There is not enough Memory to run this application. Try closing some windows."
This error is normally related to GME97 memory allocation or to a need for Virtual Memory to be on. Both of the errors listed above can be corrected through the following steps:
First, try adjusting the memory allocated to the GME97:
1. Open the folder GME97.
2. Click the GME97 icon once.
3. Go to File on the menu bar and down to Get Info. You should see the memory requirements for the program.
4. Change the Preferred Memory Setting to equal the minimum, even if this means lowering this number.
Second, try disabling most of your extensions, except what the GME97 needs, as described under step 5 in the General section listed above.
Third, try turning on Virtual Memory.
1) Select the Apple menu bar.
2) Choose Control Panel.
3) Double-click the Memory Control Panel.
4) Click Virtual Memory on and restart your Macintosh to make this take effect.
"QuickTime installation failed because it was already installed"
If you are getting this error mesage when you start your machine, check to be sure you have only one copy of QuickTime in your Extensions folder.
1. Open the hard drive.
2. Open the System Folder on your hard drive.
3. Open the Extensions Folder.
4. Look in the Extensions Folder for more than one copy of QuickTime.
5. Check the version number of each copy of QuickTime. To do this, click just once on the icon for QuickTime to highlight it, then go to File, and Get Info. The version number will be shown near the bottom of the Info window.
6. You will want to keep one copy of QuickTime (version 2.1) and remove any others. Place other versions in the Trash or create a new folder on the hard drive (not in the System Folder) to store them temporarily. Restart the computer. Once the computer is restarted, you may empty the trash of extraneous versions.
The Grolier BBS
Contact Grolier by modem 24 hours a day! Grolier Interactive is offering a Bulletin Board Service (BBS) to better meet your technical support needs.
You can use the BBS to send our Technical Support team messages concerning any problems you encounter. In most cases, you will receive a response to your question within one working day. To read our response to you, simply call the BBS the next day. If we have responded, you will automatically be notified at the time you connect.
Please remember the ID and PASSWORD you use when you leave us your message. In order to receive your reply, you will have to log-on using the same ID and PASSWORD.
Our BBS number is (203) 797-6872. You will need a 2400 bps or higher speed modem to access the board. Set your communications software to:
Grolier on the Internet
Grolier's World Wide Web site, "Grolier Online", offers visitors in-depth information about Grolier products. The Internet address is http://www.grolier.com.